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- Open Library ([Open Library website]): Part of the Internet Archive, Open Library is another excellent resource for finding free ebooks. It has a vast collection of millions of titles, including both public domain works and in-copyright books that libraries have lent to the archive. While you can’t read all the in-copyright books in full online, you can often preview a significant portion of them or borrow them virtually if your local library participates in the Open Library program. Open Library also allows you to create a virtual bookshelf to keep track of the books you want to read or have already read.
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- Selection: The selection of ebooks will vary from website to website. Some websites focus on public domain classics, while others offer a wider range of titles, including contemporary works.
- Format: Ebooks can be found in a variety of formats, including EPUB, PDF, and MOBI. Make sure the website you choose offers ebooks in a format that you can read on your device.
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Bonus :