Ufone internet packages | ufone monthly internet package | ufone weekly internet package

Ufone internet packages

Daily Internet Packages

Package NameCodePriceData VolumeValidity
Unlimited Instagram & Threads Offer*9898#Rs. 5500 MB24 hours
Daily Free Fire Offer*8080#Rs. 12750 MB (250 MB data + 500 MB free fire)24 hours
Daily PUBGM Offer*8081#Rs. 12750 MB (250 MB data + 500 MB PUBGM)24 hours
Best Morning Offer*4200#Rs. 72 GB (9 AM – 12 PM)1 day
Daily Off Peak Plus*259#Rs. 15.651.5 GB (6 AM – 6 PM)1 day
Mega Internet*20#Rs. 202 GB1 day
Daily Light*2256#Rs. 16.5240 MB1 day

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Weekly Internet Packages

Package NameCodePriceData VolumeValidity
Weekly Super*220#Rs. 1301.2 GB7 days
Weekly Internet Plus*260#Rs. 1756 GB7 days
Haftawaar Internet Offer (Gujranwala, Hafizabad, Bahawalpur, Rahim Yar Khan)*2222#Rs. 1602 GB7 days

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Monthly Internet Packages

Package NameCodePriceData VolumeValidity
Monthly Lite Cashback*383#Rs. 29910 GB30 days
SUPER INTERNET PLUS*290#Rs. 54918 GB (includes 9 GB from 1 AM to 9 AM)30 days
Monthly Heavy Internet*310#Rs. 75030 GB (includes 15 GB from 1 AM to 9 AM)30 days
Social Champion Offer*1818#Rs. 1304 GB social networks, 150 Ufone & PTCL minutes, 150 SMS, 20 other network minutes30 days
Monthly Whatsapp Offer*987#Rs. 906 GB social networks30 days
Monthly FreeFire*8080#Rs. 10010 GB30 days

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How to subscribe to a Ufone internet package

To subscribe to a Ufone internet package, you can either dial the code from your phone or use the My Ufone app. Here are the steps on how to subscribe using the code:

  1. Dial the code for the package you want to subscribe to.
  2. Follow the instructions on the phone.
  3. Enter your PIN number.
  4. Your subscription will be activated.

You can also check your remaining internet balance by dialing *706#.

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