Hey, Hamster CEOs! Here, you will find the latest Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Cards as of 05-07-2024, updated in real-time.
This page updates every 24 hours, presenting the latest 3 Daily Combo Cards to unlock 5,000,000 coins for the Hamster Kombat tap2earn telegram app.
Here, you will also find the answers to the Daily Cipher Code and step-by-step video tutorials to help you evolve your account’s profit per hour as soon as possible.
The following widget shows a live countdown for when today’s Daily Combo Cards will be updated once the timer reaches 0.
You can find the daily combo cards in the following tabs within the Hamster Kombat app.
- Villa for the DEV team (Specials tab)
- YouTube 25 Million (Specials tab)
- Quaterfinals are coming (Specials tab)
There is also a new card, the Sport Integrations card, in the Specials tab! It is one of the best cards shared in the game, with a low upgrade cost and a fantastic 41.5K profit per hour at level 10, and 67.5K at level 13! Make sure you upgrade it as much as possible before the countdown ends.
The Sports integration card is repeated daily; as of today, it has been repeated four times. Make sure to buy the card daily in the “New” tab in the specials section. Today’s card celebrates the Euro 2024 semifinal.
05-07-2024 Daily Combo Cards Tips
Card | Tab | Cost | Difficulty |
Villa for the DEV team | (Specials Tab) | very high | easy |
YouTube 25 Million | (Specials Tab) | very high | easy |
Quaterfinals are coming | (Specials Tab) | very high | hard |
We will update this page daily with the newest secret Daily Combo Hamster Kombat cards and video tutorials. Ensure you enable push notifications so you won’t miss any updates.